Exclude entity types from purge (compatibility with Structure Sync)

Created on 23 May 2024, 10 months ago


Menus, taxonomy terms, and custom blocks are considered to be content in Drupal. This means they are purged when loading the content fixtures. Structure Sync is a module which can define these content entities as configuration. This means they should not be purged anymore when loading content fixtures.

As a workaround to this problem, one can simply re-run the Structure Sync import after each loading of the content fixtures. In my use-case, this would only waste time during testing because the synced structures are never changed in any test.

Proposed resolution

Implement a content type whitelist during purging. Content types in this whitelist would not be purged.

Remaining tasks

  1. Implement whitelist (create patch for my use-case)
  2. Discuss whether this solution fits this module
  3. Review/refine solution
Feature request






Created by

🇩🇪Germany tgauges

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