- Issue created by @starglide
Following the installation procedure as described breaks a site.
While the instructions state that "This theme uses webpack as a module bundler", the installation instructions skip the installation of such module.
If webpack is not installed, the site goes in error > "AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: Failed to log error: Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\Exception\\ServiceCircularReferenceException: Circular reference detected for service "Drupal\\Core\\Logger\\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface", path: "controller.form -> form_builder -> form_validator -> logger.channel.form -> (continues)"
Follow the installation paragraph without installing webpack.
Add a line to step 1 of the installation instructions, i.e.:
$ cd
# 1. Install end enable dependencies
$ composer require drupal/components:^3.0@beta
$ drush pm:enable components
$ composer require drupal/bootstrap_italia
$ composer require 'drupal/webpack:^3.0'
# 2. Copy sub-theme to destination folder
$ cd web/themes/
$ mkdir custom
$ cp -r contrib/bootstrap_italia/var/starter_kits/italiagov custom/
# 3. Enable themes
$ drush -y theme:enable bootstrap_italia
$ drush -y theme:enable italiagov
# 4. Set default theme
$ drush config-set system.theme default italiagov
Needs work