Views exposed filter not working with the Full calendar view

Created on 17 May 2024, 10 months ago
Updated 25 July 2024, 7 months ago


Exposed filter is not working on the full calendar view.

When using exposed filter with ajax auto-submit, the calendar view always redirects user back to the current month / month view though user is currently viewing a different month on the calendar

Steps to reproduce

Drupal Version - 10.1.0
Full Calendar View Version: 5.1.14

  1. Create a new content type - events
  2. Create a new taxonomy "event category" and add it as entity reference for the event content type.
  3. Create a new view page view for the "events" with display format Full Calendar Display
  4. Set the event category filter as exposed filter
  5. Save the view and navigate to the view frontend page.

Use the next arrow button to navigate to the next few months.

Select a category value from the event category exposed filter

After form submit, the filter gets applied for the selected category and user is now shown the current month instead of the month user is already viewing.

Proposed resolution

When user navigates to a different month, week or day and applies exposed filter then user should be on the same calendar view.
User should not be navigated back to the current month on the calendar view.

🐛 Bug report





User interface

Created by

🇮🇳India karthik.arumugam Hyderabad

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