Extend user_agent for tracking purposes

Created on 14 May 2024, about 1 month ago
Updated 29 May 2024, 30 days ago


We at DeepL love all integration allowing our customers to use DeepL from wherever they want.
However, to keep the quality high and keep everything working properly we need to know a tiny little bit more about how our API is being used.

We would like to suggest updating the plugin to send us the name of the plugin ie "tmgmt_deepl" in the user-agent field for every request to our API. This way we can group requests on our end, have more insights about the usage of the plugin globally and can easier support things.

Long story short, please:

* Update all requests to the API
* Include "tmgmt_deepl" in the user-agent header.
* Everything else in the header can stay as it is, just add it to the end of whats there.

✨ Feature request






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