Host Drupal 10 on Aegir 3

Created on 7 May 2024, about 2 months ago
Updated 24 June 2024, 7 days ago

UPDATE: We now have a working example repository for hosting D10 on Aegir 3, and I've posted details here. You can get an Aegir 3 + Drupal 10 set up in about 15 minutes. For details, read on.


Although we can host Drupal 9 on Aegir 3 (see #3410103: Running Aegir 3 on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 with Drupal 9 β†’ ), Drupal 9 is already EOL, and the community needs a way to host Drupal 10.

This gets tricky due to conflicting requirements for various Drush and PHP versions. Steven Jones has documented, in the abstract, a recipe that works for the moment; that is, for currently-supported (at the time of this writing!) requirement sets of Aegir 3, PHP and Drupal 10, it is possible, if somewhat tricky, to make everything work together.

Proposed resolution

There are some major caveats (such as: no Symphony 6!). However, for folks that need a working Aegir 3 + Drupal 10 solution until we can provide a permanent migration path to Aegir 5, we will document our work here for the community on implementing a working example of Steven's recipe.

Remaining tasks

Similar to our approach in #3410103: Running Aegir 3 on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 with Drupal 9 β†’ , we need some checklists. These will be updated dynamically.

  1. Parse Steven Jones's blog post into to-do's. -- DONE.
  2. Implement those to-do's in our Ansible roles. -- DONE.
  3. Tackle any issues that arise when testing the above. -- So far, we see:
  • install process seems to hang for an unusually long time after this output:
    Calling hook drush_provision_drupal_provision_install_backend	
    Drush bootstrap phase : bootstrap_drupal_configuration()	
    Create from request	
    add service modifier	
    Find command files for phase 3 (max=)
  • "config" vs "conf" global variable name mismatch, site install throws warnings -- FIXED
  • isset check missing for db context, site install throws warnings -- FIXED
  • code that sets login link is commented out, site install throws warnings -- FIXED
  • css/js directories get zapped during site verify -- turns out to be a side effect of core changes to asset handling β†’ ; we have a working patch -- I'll be adding this to an issue branch here.
  • must turn off css/js aggregation via /admin/config/development/performance in order for css/js to start working -- same as previous item, this turns out to be a side effect of core changes to asset handling β†’ ; we have a working patch -- I'll be adding this to an issue branch here.

User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


πŸ“Œ Task





Install process

Created by

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada llamech

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