Shared Entities with relationship fields containing entities not updating after initial download.

Created on 3 May 2024, 10 months ago
Updated 6 May 2024, 10 months ago


Shared entities with relationship fields containing entities whose fields are mapped using the JSON:API extras field aliases are not updating after initial download.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a content type and add a media reference field for an image on the server site.
  2. Create the same content type on a client site with the same reference field.
  3. Create media image with an image caption field named differently than that on the server image content.
  4. Using the JSON:API extras for the image content. Change the server sites field (alias) name to match the client sites image field.
  5. On the client site, download the content.
  6. See that the content and the image downloaded contains all the necessary field's content.
  7. On the server site update the caption field on the embeded media image and save it.
  8. Edit the content that contains the media image and save it. (This starts the syncing process)
  9. On the client site see that the image caption is not updated or changed.

Proposed resolution

It looks like the ImportService.php is using the wrong variable names on lines 487 and 488.

🐛 Bug report

Needs review





Created by

🇺🇸United States jeffreysmattson

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