SOLR not applying managed synonyms

Created on 3 May 2024, about 2 months ago
Updated 20 May 2024, about 1 month ago


No results when searching on added synonyms (Synonyms are in SOLR)

Steps to reproduce

I am using SOLR 8.11.3
I installed the module as specified in the readme. I am able to succesful export to Solr. I can see the new added synonyms in the solr rest endpoint (/solr/collection_name/schema/analysis/synonyms/english). When visiting this endpoint i see a synonymMappings object with managedMap containing the new synonyms.

The file /solr/#/collection_name/files?file=_schema_analysis_synonyms_english.json was automatically created. So far so good. But when searching in Drupal i dont get results when searching on a synonym.

I modified (changed query parser to ManagedSynonymGraphFilterFactory) the schema_extra_types.xml for the fields below

I restarted/reloaded SOLR. I even tried to add the synonym filter to index analyser and reindexing, also without results.
What am i missing?

💬 Support request

Needs review





Created by

🇳🇱Netherlands robbertnl

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