Installation error, adding non-existent permissions to a role is not allowed

Created on 30 April 2024, 2 months ago
Updated 3 May 2024, about 2 months ago


Steps to reproduce

Fresh install of Drupal using 'composer create-project drupal/recommended-project'
on 'drush en commerce_marketplace' it trows this error

In Role.php line 207
Adding non-existent permissions to a role is not allowed. The incorrect permissions are "access commerce_promotion overview", "access in-place editing", "access tour", "administer commerce_promotion", "administer swiftmailer", "administer_mailsystem",
"create commerce_promotion", "delete commerce_promotion", "update commerce_promotion", "view any commerce_store", "view commerce_promotion".

In case I manually create the 'commerce_marketplace_owner' and 'commerce_marketplace_admin' before enabling the module it trows this error:

In PreExistingConfigException.php line 65:

Configuration objects (user.role.commerce_marketplace_admin, user.role.commerce_marketplace_owner) provided by commerce_marketplace already exist in active configuration

Proposed resolution

πŸ› Bug report

Needs review





Created by

πŸ‡·πŸ‡΄Romania alexberendei

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @alexberendei
  • πŸ‡·πŸ‡΄Romania alexberendei

    I've commented out the permissions that trows that error

    • commerce_marketplace/config/install/user.role.commerce_marketplace_owner.yml
    • commerce_marketplace/config/install/user.role.commerce_marketplace_admin.yml


    langcode: en
    status: true
    dependencies: {  }
    id: commerce_marketplace_owner
    label: 'Marketplace owner'
    is_admin: null
      # - 'access cart'
      - 'access checkout'
      - 'access comments'
      - 'access content'
      - 'access site-wide contact form'
      - 'search content'
      - 'view own customer profile'
      - 'view commerce_store'
      - 'view commerce_product'
      - 'view own unpublished commerce_product'
      - 'view own commerce_order'
      - 'manage own commerce_payment_method'


    langcode: en
    status: true
    dependencies: {  }
    id: commerce_marketplace_admin
    label: 'Marketplace admin'
    is_admin: null
      - 'access administration pages'
      - 'access commerce administration pages'
      - 'access commerce_order overview'
      - 'access commerce_product overview'
      - 'access commerce_product_attribute overview'
      # - 'access commerce_promotion overview'
      - 'access commerce_store overview'
      - 'access content overview'
      - 'access contextual links'
      - 'access in-place editing'
      - 'access profile overview'
      - 'access site in maintenance mode'
      # - 'access site reports'
      - 'access toolbar'
      # - 'access tour'
      - 'access user contact forms'
      - 'access user profiles'
      - 'administer block_content display'
      - 'administer block_content fields'
      - 'administer block_content form display'
      - 'administer blocks'
      - 'administer comment display'
      - 'administer comment fields'
      - 'administer comment form display'
      - 'administer comment types'
      - 'administer comments'
      - 'administer commerce_checkout_flow'
      - 'administer commerce_currency'
      - 'administer commerce_order'
      - 'administer commerce_order display'
      - 'administer commerce_order fields'
      - 'administer commerce_order form display'
      - 'administer commerce_order_item display'
      - 'administer commerce_order_item fields'
      - 'administer commerce_order_item form display'
      - 'administer commerce_order_type'
      - 'administer commerce_payment'
      - 'administer commerce_payment_gateway'
      - 'administer commerce_payment_method'
      - 'administer commerce_product'
      - 'administer commerce_product display'
      - 'administer commerce_product fields'
      - 'administer commerce_product form display'
      - 'administer commerce_product_attribute'
      - 'administer commerce_product_attribute_value display'
      - 'administer commerce_product_attribute_value fields'
      - 'administer commerce_product_attribute_value form display'
      - 'administer commerce_product_type'
      - 'administer commerce_product_variation display'
      - 'administer commerce_product_variation fields'
      - 'administer commerce_product_variation form display'
      # - 'administer commerce_promotion'
      # - 'administer commerce_store'
      - 'administer commerce_store display'
      - 'administer commerce_store fields'
      - 'administer commerce_store form display'
      - 'administer commerce_store_type'
      - 'administer commerce_tax_type'
      - 'administer contact forms'
      - 'administer contact_message display'
      - 'administer contact_message fields'
      - 'administer contact_message form display'
      - 'administer content types'
      - 'administer display modes'
      - 'administer image styles'
      - 'administer menu'
      - 'administer node display'
      - 'administer node fields'
      - 'administer node form display'
      - 'administer nodes'
      - 'administer profile'
      - 'administer profile display'
      - 'administer profile fields'
      - 'administer profile form display'
      - 'administer profile types'
      - 'administer search'
      - 'administer shortcuts'
      # - 'administer swiftmailer'
      - 'administer taxonomy'
      - 'administer taxonomy_term display'
      - 'administer taxonomy_term fields'
      - 'administer taxonomy_term form display'
      - 'administer url aliases'
      - 'administer user display'
      - 'administer user form display'
      - 'administer views'
      # - 'administer_mailsystem'
      - 'bypass node access'
      - 'change own username'
      - 'create article content'
      - 'create commerce_product_attribute'
      # - 'create commerce_promotion'
      - 'create customer profile'
      - 'create default commerce_order'
      - 'create page content'
      - 'customize shortcut links'
      - 'delete any article content'
      - 'delete any customer profile'
      - 'delete any page content'
      - 'delete article revisions'
      - 'delete commerce_product_attribute'
      # - 'delete commerce_promotion'
      - 'delete default commerce_order'
      - 'delete own article content'
      - 'delete own customer profile'
      - 'delete own page content'
      - 'delete page revisions'
      - 'delete terms in tags'
      - 'edit any article content'
      - 'edit any page content'
      - 'edit own article content'
      - 'edit own comments'
      - 'edit own page content'
      - 'edit terms in tags'
      - 'revert article revisions'
      - 'revert page revisions'
      - 'view page revisions'
      - 'switch shortcut sets'
      - 'update any customer profile'
      - 'update commerce_product_attribute'
      # - 'update commerce_promotion'
      - 'update default commerce_order'
      - 'update own customer profile'
      - 'use advanced search'
      - 'use text format basic_html'
      - 'use text format full_html'
      - 'use text format restricted_html'
      - 'view all revisions'
      # - 'view any commerce_store'
      - 'view any customer profile'
      - 'view any profile'
      - 'view article revisions'
      - 'view commerce_order'
      - 'view commerce_product_attribute'
      # - 'view commerce_promotion'
      - 'view page revisions'
      - 'view the administration theme'

    In my case the error was because
    - commerce_promotion was not enabled
    - swiftmailer ( I don't used it anymore in D10 )

Production build 0.69.0 2024