- Issue created by @thelmnt
I am new to ConsentManager and I struggle to get a low risk compliance report! I have set all cookies, domains, vendors, etc but keep having alerts for cookies loading without prior consent...
I have followed your tutorials on help.consentmanager.net but there is one point which is not clear: I wonder if I did well to set ConsentManager with the Drupal consent_manager module (with semi-automatic blocking) AND set a "consentmanager.net CMP & Cookie Banner" tag on tagmanager.google.com (with the "Consent Initialization - All Pages" trigger as GTM suggests it on its consentmanager.net CMP tutorial, and I have also tried the "All Pages" trigger as in the help.consentmanager.net tutorial for GTM)?
What is the best practice? Install both methods? Prefer the GTM method? Prefer the Drupal consent_manager module method?
Thank you by advance for your help!