- Issue created by @nk_
- 🇹🇷Turkey rgnyldz
with the new feature I see an error message inside my console;
(not sure if I should open a new issue tho)
drupal.js?v=10.2.5:64 Uncaught TypeError: swipers[swiperContainer.id].on is not a function at swiper_formatter.js?v=10.2.5:44:45 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Object.attach (swiper_formatter.js?v=10.2.5:29:67) at drupal.js?v=10.2.5:166:24 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.5:162:34) at big_pipe.js?v=10.2.5:153:10 at big_pipe.js?v=10.2.5:184:3
- 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_
I can't reproduce this, everything works normal in my case and there is "on" method available for Swiper object. Error does not make sense to me since a line before checks on swiper instance existence.
Is there any other (preceding) JS errors in console?
Which browser is used?
Do you load Swiper from local path or from remote CDN?I just pushed a tiny change (swiper event type) into dev version but I doubt that's the cause. Would you be able to test that? It would be very appreciated, if it works for you especially to test breakpoints with different pagination type, e.g. one to be dynamic bullets and the other fraction.
- Status changed to Fixed
4 months ago 4:42pm 23 October 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.