Render error with csv-export when trying to export a csv from a view
The full error message is:
Twig\Error\SyntaxError: Unknown "spaceless" tag in "__string_template__3ac598eeea72e55f70c93b13af082578" at line 1. in Twig\Parser->subparse() (regel 160 van /var/www/[mysite]/vendor/twig/twig/src/Parser.php).
Although it seems like a twig thing, I think it may have to do with views-export. I have search all my twig-files for the old spaceless implementation (see resolution) but I could not find any. This makes me think that maybe some temporary generated file may be using it, but I cannot find it...
could this be the case?
using drupal 10.2.4
replace 'spaceless' with the new 'apply spaceless'
- {% spaceless %}
+ {% apply spaceless %}
- {% endspaceless%}
+ {% endapply%}
Closed: works as designed