- Issue created by @2gendevs
Hello. The issue will be fixed in new version.
You can fix the current issue in the file:
and set 3.1.0 version.
When clicking on "About" from the user menu the modal that appears has the Opgino version as "OPIGNO_LMS_VERSION". This is also what you see under reports -> status report:
Installation profile
Opigno LMS (opigno_lms-OPIGNO_LMS_VERSION)
See screen shots for more.
My composer.json file has:
"opigno/opigno_lms": "~3.1.0",
And the output from composer outdated opigno/opigno_lms is:
❯ composer outdated opigno/opigno_lms
name : opigno/opigno_lms
descrip. : Opigno LMS profile
keywords :
versions : * 3.1.0
released : 2023-06-01, 10 months ago
latest : 3.1.0 released 2023-06-01, 10 months ago
type : drupal-profile
license : GNU General Public License v2.0 or later (GPL-2.0-or-later) (OSI approved) https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later.html#licenseText
homepage : https://bitbucket.org/opigno/opigno_lms
source : [git] https://bitbucket.org/opigno/opigno_lms.git a51e6f293d939b36e47a4c99f4fde4f457bb518d
dist : [zip] https://bitbucket.org/opigno/opigno_lms/get/a51e6f293d939b36e47a4c99f4fde4f457bb518d.zip a51e6f293d939b36e47a4c99f4fde4f457bb518d
path : /var/www/example.com/public_html/profiles/contrib/opigno_lms
names : opigno/opigno_lms
source : https://bitbucket.org/opigno/opigno_lms/src/a51e6f293d939b36e47a4c99f4fde4f457bb518d/?at=3.1.0
commerceguys/addressing ~1.0.7
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drupal/opigno_class ^3.0
drupal/opigno_commerce ^3.0
drupal/opigno_course ^3.0
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drupal/pdf ^1.0@dev
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drupal/profile ~1.3.0
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mozilla/pdf.js v2.4.456
opigno/tincan ^1.1
opis/json-schema ^2.2
User interface
Hello. The issue will be fixed in new version.
You can fix the current issue in the file: profiles/opigno_lms/opigno_lms.info.yml
and set 3.1.0 version.