Enable Multiple field settings for Image fields

Created on 10 April 2024, 11 months ago


In a View with Image fields' forms allowing multiple values, there is no 'Multiple field settings' as in other field types.

Steps to reproduce

Create a View containing a 'Form view: Image field' that allows multiple values to be uploaded. Configure field. You won't find 'Multiple field settings', as in other types of fields , such as text fields. So, you won't have the option to uncheck 'Display all values in the same row', which is particularly helpful for image fields, as the row with multiple images can get pretty large.

🐛 Bug report



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🇧🇷Brazil dtabach

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  • Issue created by @dtabach
  • Hi,
    I'm missing this badly still in Drupal 10.3 too.
    I wonder why there is no respond on this issue.

    My use case:
    Taxomomy-term-view. I have tax-terms with custom image-fields. Nodes can have multiple terms assigned.
    In views I have a block and a list of nodes related to terms.
    I show the term+image along with the node's title.
    As there are multiple terms of the same vocabulary selected, I get the image multiple times.
    In D7 I could set the multiple field settings for the image-field to 1. That worked.

    Any advice for a workaround at least?


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