How to Create a Content Type, Add a Paragraph Field, and Configure This Field for Parent-Only Use to Include Slideshows, Carousels, Tabs, and More

Created on 10 April 2024, 3 months ago
Updated 27 June 2024, about 17 hours ago


Trying to make Slideshow Bundle work Properly

Steps to reproduce

After installing 1.0.2 use video while following step by step on a local system.

Proposed resolution

Clarify video or possibly fix underlying functionality.

✨ Feature request






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fkelly

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  • Issue created by @fkelly
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fkelly

    As stated in the issue summary I installed Paragraph Bundles version 1.0.2 (using Solo theme 1.0.3).

    Have been trying to make the slideshow bundle work properly by following the video step by step on a local system, checking each step as I go. (Hint to other users: the video go very fast and the forward and back keys < and > are very handy to move the video 5 seconds forward or back and keep it stopped so you can check steps out on your local system).

    The problem I am encountering is that a "slideshow bundle" and a "slideshow section bundle" get created as paragraph types. Then when you go to create a basic page content item with a paragraph in it ... the video says to first disable (exclude) the slideshow section bundle. This does not work ... the slideshow section bundle remains in the basic page content type. Even if I "hack" at the list of paragraph types that shows on the para field of the basic content type I don't get the ability to add a slideshow bundle and the slideshow section bundle is not excluded. I understand that the slideshow section bundle is a "child" of the slideshow bundle and that I don't want the section bundle to be included in the basic page but I don't see a way to make this work the way that the current instructions or the way the system itself works.

    This functionality looks very promising ... I think it has the promise of allowing us to eliminate an entire other contrib module for producing slideshows that in turn relies on an external non-open source (and not free) Javascript program. First though I've got to figure out how to make it work.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States flashwebcenter Austin TX


    In the content type page I have a paragraph field. When you create a paragraph field in any content type and try to use this field, it will show you by default all paragraph types are created in the system. I don't want that. I want to see only paragraph types that I can use in this field. So from 1:30 to 2:00 in the video I disable/exclude the paragraph type "slideshow_section_bundle" so I don't see it when I am adding a slideshow in the content.

    To add a slideshow, follow these instructions:

    Enable the slideshow bundle.

    Add a paragraph field to a content type. For example, I have a content type named "page" and I will add a paragraph field to it which I will name: "slide." You can start this process at: ../admin/structure/types/manage/page/fields/add-field

    After entering the name in the label field and selecting "paragraphs" as the field type, click "continue" to proceed to the next page.
    On this page, below the checkbox for the "required field," there will be a dropdown named "Reference method" and beneath that, the question "Which Paragraph types should be allowed?". Select "Exclude the selected below" and under "Type" choose any paragraph types you do not want to see in this field. In my example, I will exclude the "Slideshow Section." Then, save your changes.
    Navigate to field_slide at ../node/add/page and add a paragraph type. You will not see the option "Add Slideshow Section"; instead, you will see "Add slideshow." After selecting the slideshow, it will open, and the slideshow section will be included inside it because it is set as a default for this bundle.

    Click on "Add Slideshow Body Section" to choose the preferred bundle.

    This recommended setting, while not mandatory for creating a slideshow, ensures that any section is only shown within its parent bundle. This approach is highly advised for maintaining clean and organized content structures, but it is ultimately optional and can be adjusted based on specific needs.

    Best wishes,

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fkelly

    Thanks for quick response and apologize for delay in getting back to it.

    So, I think that using "basic page" in the video can cause problems because that content type can be set up for other uses and have conflicting settings on a given users system: even in the very basic setup I have have for testing solo and paragraphs for slide shows.

    That said, I am trying to replicate your suggestions in #3 and having problems with the exclusion of slideshow section. I created a content type that I named Slide_page. The type of item to reference is set to "paragraphs" and I limited the allowed number of items to 1. The reference number is "Default. Under Which Paragraph types should be allowed? I picked the "Exclude the selected below"

    I get a long list of paragraph types generated from previous attempts at using paragraphs bundles feature. I click to exclude the "Slideshow section" and then click save. The resulting content type shows:

    Status message
    Saved slide configuration.
    Create a new field Re-use an existing field
    Label Machine name Field type Operations
    Body body
    Text (formatted, long, with summary)
    List additional actions
    slide field_slide
    Entity reference revisions
    Reference type: Paragraph
    Paragraph type: Slideshow Section
    List additional actions

    I added a captured jpg file showing what happened. Basically when I try to exclude the Slideshow section instead of excluding it ... it gets included as the paragraph type.

    Out of time for today. I'll be back soon.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fkelly
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fkelly

    Sorry for delay. I hadn't loaded screen capture software on new computer and had other fish to fry. Let's start at the beginning. First step is to create a content type with a paragraph field. For slideshows we want that paragraph field to be named "slideshow". Initially we want to exclude the slideshow section field from that content type. It is a child of the slideshow field.

    File named
    is my effort to do that.

    In the screen capture you can see that I went through the lengthy list of paragraph field types and used the "exclude from the selected below" option to try to exclude the slideshow section field type.

    In the second screen capture (2024-04-12_17-22-01.png) you can see that doesn't work. Instead the paragraph field type that gets included is the slideshow section. This leads to further problems when you try to use this new content type. But all I have time for today is to illustrate this problem. If you try to exclude slideshow section it should be excluded. I think.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fkelly

    Making some progress. It appears that, when setting up a content type to contain slideshows you need at least one paragraph bundle before you can exclude the slideshow section bundle. And then just use the slideshow bundle. The content type then looks like this:

    Label Machine name Field type Operations
    Entity reference revisions
    slideshow here field_slideshow_here Reference type: Paragraph
    Paragraph type: Slideshow*

    and when you go in to create an instance of this content type the fact that Slideshow is parent to the Slideshow section will automagically create slideshow section(s) for you to insert image fields into. You should then be able to insert multiple images into one slideshow section or multiple slideshow sections (each with images of course) into a slideshow. I haven't worked out what the best practice for converting my many Juicebox galleries over to Solo/Paragraphs Bundles is, but it looks promising.

    *getting slideshow in as the paragraph type is the key because this creates slideshow sections where the actual images will go.

  • Assigned to flashwebcenter
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States flashwebcenter Austin TX


    When a paragraph bundle (referred to as the "parent") contains another paragraph bundle (referred to as the "child"), the configuration automatically enables a popup for the child within the parent.

    Attached is a video where I demonstrate creating a content type, adding a paragraph field, and setting up a slideshow. The tutorial is divided into two parts due to the maximum file upload limit of 50 MB.

    Best wishes,

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States fkelly

    The mov files don't have sound in the Media Player embedded in Windows 11. Other mov files on my PC do play sound. No problem: I've looked at the mov files and learned what I need from it. I'm not chasing Windows Media player sound problems further down any rabbit holes.

    I can now create simple galleries on my local system using the solo theme and subtheme (I customized the tszl subtheme you provided to another user and put it in a custom directory outside the solo directory so it won't get overwritten by further Composer updates). I can get the link field working and use some of the formatting options. Since I have well over 100 galleries and thousands of image files in those galleries I will need to work out a stable and repeatable conversion process. Links to all the galleries can be found in what will become menu--sidebar-first.html.twig on various pages in the site. It will take some months of experimenting with the many great options provided by the paragraphs bundles to figure out a good approach to this. What I have now is just an initial proof of concept.

    The site I am starting from is at if anyone is curious about how photo galleries work there. It's based on the Juicebox contrib module.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States flashwebcenter Austin TX

    Since there are no further inquiries concerning this case, I?m marking this issue as closed.
    Kind regards,

  • Status changed to Fixed 15 days ago
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States flashwebcenter Austin TX
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States flashwebcenter Austin TX
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