Views "Page" display ignores any argument token value.

Created on 10 April 2024, 3 months ago


So this module has been working well for me across sites, but I've been using it as a contextual filter primarily in views BLOCK displays.

But when creating a views PAGE display, and setting up the Token contextual filter (show debug on), then visiting the view PAGE... the contextual filter doesn't account for the token, and debug info is empty. No errors in the console or log.

Now if I create a BLOCK display for this same view... tokens work as they should, and the debug output is shown.

Is this a bug?

I tested a few different values in the contextual filter token field. These were the results...

"This is a test" - works as it should, and outputs in debug. Basic string works.
"[site:name]" - doesn't work, no debug info
"This is a test, [site:name]" - doesn't work, no debug info
"[site:name], This is a test" - doesn't work, no debug info

Any value that contains a token outputs nothing. Once again, no errors logged.

Totally lost here. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Steps to reproduce

1) Create a View. Add a PAGE display
2) Add any contextual filter. Add "Provide default value" When the filter value is NOT in the URL
3) Select the Token type
4) Add any token in the field (can base it on my examples above).
5) Set "Show debug" to on.
6) Visit the view page. Contextual filter doesn't account for the token, and debug info is empty.

πŸ’¬ Support request

Closed: works as designed





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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States chucksimply

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