Applet UID is not properly stored in config when conncetion to sOS API is instable

Created on 10 April 2024, 11 months ago
Updated 24 April 2024, 10 months ago


When pushing the latest applet version for a site, e.g. with drush signageos:applet:push, we check for an existing applet first and only create a new one, if either no applet exists yet or if one of the versions (Drupal module or sOS front applet) has changed.

However, if the settings of the Drupal site doesn't have the applet UID yet, which can happen after a Drupal major version migration, then this process does find the existing applet upstream but doesn't store the UID in the settings of the Drupal site. That will prevent retrieval of upstream applets next time, and by that will reduce the number of API calls a lot.

A related issue has been, that when pulling applet from upstream and the API didn't return any result, Drupal created a new one, as it thought that none did exist. This, unfortunately, happens a few times per day and therefore creates a few ghost applets, which is annoying and causes unnecessary traffic upstream.

Proposed resolution

Make sure that we store the applet UID locally to make sure that the update process refers to that existing applet to prevent the creation of new ones, if the connection to sOS API is instable.

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen

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