- Issue created by @paul121
A nice to have feature request... a simple data stream notification plugin that is configured to execute a given record template form. At first this would likely need to be simple, just use all the default values from a given template... but overtime perhaps this could be used to populate the record template with numeric values from the data stream/notification message?
Example use-cases: Create a future/pending irrigation log once soil moisture hits a certain level. Create an activity log to fill a tank once the water level is low. More clever sensors/data streams might use this to auto-create assets in certain situations?
One trick will be figuring out how to "execute a template" programatically without user input. We might need something similar for recurrence logic anyways?
Add lots of safety checks and/or try/catch so this wouldn't break the entire data stream notification pipeline.
Research how possible this might be... I think it could be quite easy to implement!