- Issue created by @fishfree
- 🇩🇪Germany Knurg
yes, WissKI RDF via SPARQL1.1 Adapter is for RDF only and WissKI SPARQL1.1 Adapter with Pathbuilder is for OWL 1 only. The funny thing is that for us the typical usecase is OWL and not RDF and therefore we don't interpret rdf properties etc. Of course OWL is based on RDF, but the OWL-Adapter searches for owl:objectProperty etc. in the triple store and not for rdf:property. So the only real difference is what the adapters look for.
WissKI does a semantical mapping with the pathbuilder and to alter the pathbuilder in any way you will need an ontology, yes. But it may be any kind of rdf/owl ontology. However we have limitations to the features an ontology provides.... :)