Does this module support the D7 recline.js feature?

Created on 1 April 2024, 3 months ago

The D7 recline.js feature is very great!

✨ Feature request






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πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³China fishfree

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  • Issue created by @fishfree
  • πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany stefan.korn Jossgrund

    Hm. I think recline.js like it was used in D7 DKAN is dead. Looking at it seems this is now "portal.js" which is really different I suppose, see for reasoning about the switch.

    With this module I have no plans to integrate the old recline.js neither portal.js. The dkan_chart module is about integrating charts in DKANv2 with chartjs. I am currently not planning to broaden the scope to other frameworks, since it seems a big enough scope to integrate with chartjs.

    That said, I am also still searching for a way to have data visualized in a table style like it was provided in D7 DKAN with recline. But from looking at portal.js at a glance, I suppose I will not turn to portal.js for this nor will I turn to old recline.js. I will search for another solution and maybe make a separate module for DKANv2 from that.

    From what I understand from really quickly looking at portal.js, this could be an alternative frontend for (decoupled) DKANv2 (an alternative to the React frontend prototype that is provided now). But I have no ambition for integrating with portal.js though it looks interesting. My focus is currently on using Drupal itself for the frontend (not decoupled) and having the necessary features that my client expects for their open data platfom with DKANv2.

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