- Issue created by @sdsc
I installed commerce_exchanger afterwards. Since the site is crashed, I installed commerce_exchanger. Since the site is crashed, I cannot enable it in UI. When using Drush to enable it, failed, with the same error message above.
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom aaron.ferris
Seems this module is missing the dependency for commerce_exchanger →
- Merge request !11Issue #3436791: add commerce exchanger dependency → (Closed) created by aaron.ferris
- Status changed to Needs review
11 months ago 4:20pm 28 March 2024 I had to update my database using yesterday's backup file. Now the site is back up. I enabled commerce_exchanger from UI, then I uninstall commerce_fund (it was installed earlier although the site was crashed), with errors:
RuntimeException: Recursive router rebuild detected. in Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteBuilder->rebuild() (line 121 of /chroot/home/my_server_address/html/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/RouteBuilder.php)
I then reenable it, errors as below:
Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'aab0448d_jh816_new.commerce_payment_method__balance_id' doesn't exist: UPDATE "commerce_payment_method__balance_id" SET "deleted"=:db_update_placeholder_0 WHERE "bundle" = :db_condition_placeholder_0; Array ( [:db_update_placeholder_0] => 1 [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => funds_wallet ) in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage->onFieldDefinitionDelete() (line 1622 of /chroot/home/my_server_address/html/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Sql/SqlContentEntityStorage.php).
The module shows as enabled. I'm able to access configuration page. Not sure whether these errors will explode my site. Do I need to do anything to make it correct?Regards,
- 🇭🇷Croatia Aporie
Hi Guys,
Sorry, I might have rushed the migration to commerce exchanger V2.
This passed the tests because they are using dev modules (such as commerce_exchanger).
@aaron.ferris, the right action to take here is actually to keep this module as optional.
@sdsc, you should be able to get a working website with your backup, only updating your module to the last release and clearing the cache. - 🇬🇧United Kingdom aaron.ferris
Hello @Aporie
With your latest commits yes, that makes sense.