Lightgallery loads additional "undefined" image

Created on 27 March 2024, 12 months ago
Updated 1 April 2024, 11 months ago

Issue Summary:

When using Lightgallery in Drupal to display a gallery of images, an additional "undefined" image is loaded alongside the existing images. This problem occurs to me constantly no matter the number of images.

Steps to Reproduce:

I am using commerce and a multiple image field type on commerce product variation.
Upload multiple images to the image field.
Have this kind of conifguration on image field type:

  • Field:

    langcode: en
    status: true
    - commerce_product.commerce_product_variation_type.default
    - image
    id: commerce_product_variation.default.field_image
    field_name: field_image
    entity_type: commerce_product_variation
    bundle: default
    label: Image
    description: ''
    required: true
    translatable: false
    default_value: { }
    default_value_callback: ''
    handler: 'default:file'
    handler_settings: { }
    file_directory: product/images
    file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg'
    max_filesize: ''
    max_resolution: ''
    min_resolution: ''
    alt_field: true
    alt_field_required: true
    title_field: true
    title_field_required: false
    uuid: 09b9cb9f-4da5-4145-9657-f3df7d58065f
    alt: default-image
    title: default-image
    width: 1000
    height: 1000
    field_type: image

  • Field storage:

    langcode: en
    status: true
    - commerce_product
    - file
    - image
    id: commerce_product_variation.field_image
    field_name: field_image
    entity_type: commerce_product_variation
    type: image
    target_type: file
    display_field: false
    display_default: false
    uri_scheme: public
    uuid: b69aefc3-a735-44a4-b8db-6054cd8c49bd
    alt: default-image
    title: default-image
    width: 1000
    height: 1000
    module: image
    locked: false
    cardinality: -1
    translatable: true
    indexes: { }
    persist_with_no_fields: false
    custom_storage: false

  • Entity view display:

    type: lightgallery
    label: hidden
    thumb_image_style: product
    lightgallery_image_style: ''
    title_source: title
    closable: 1
    mode: 0
    preload: 1
    loop: 1
    esc_key: 1
    key_press: 1
    controls: 1
    mouse_wheel: 1
    download: 1
    counter: 1
    drag: 1
    touch: 1
    thumbnails: 0
    animate_thumb: 1
    current_pager_position: middle
    thumb_width: '100'
    thumb_cont_height: '100'
    autoplay: 1
    pause: '5000'
    progress_bar: '1'
    autoplay_controls: '1'
    full_screen: 1
    pager: 1
    zoom: 1
    scale: '1'
    hash: 1
    gallery_id: '1'

View the page.

Expected Behavior:
The Lightgallery should display only the images that are part of the gallery, and not with the additional undefined image.

Actual Behavior:
It is always displaying additional undefined image.

Log message:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
lightgallery.min.js?sazyx1:4 lightGallery :- data-src is not pvovided on slide item 8. Please make sure the selector property is properly configured. More info -
b.isVideo @ lightgallery.min.js?sazyx1:4

Proposed resolution:

In ligthallery-all.js file from in function getThumb on line 1947 add type check on variable thumb.

Versions of modules:

Drupal core: 10.2.4
Drupal commerce: 2.38.0
Drupal lightgallery: 1.4
Lightgallery library sachinchoolur/lightgallery: 1.6.11

I am attaching images that prove this behaviour

🐛 Bug report

Closed: works as designed





Created by

🇷🇸Serbia darko_antunovic

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  • Issue created by @darko_antunovic
  • 🇷🇸Serbia darko_antunovic

    Turns out that it was the template code that was causing the issue. There was a div after the for loop that displays the images and of course it could not render anyhting because nothing was being passed as a parameter.

    {% for item in items %}
          {% if loop.first %}
            <div data-src="{{ item.slide }}" style="{{ item.row_style }}" data-sub-html="{{ item.title }}" class="lightgallery-preview swiper-slide lightgallery-preview--active">
            {% else %}
              <div data-src="{{ item.slide }}" style="{{ item.row_style }}" data-sub-html="{{ item.title }}" class="lightgallery-preview swiper-slide">
              {% endif %}
              {% if item.field_label is not empty %}
                <div class="field-label">
                  <label>{{ item.field_label }}</label>
              {% endif %}
              <div class="field-content">
                <a href="">
                  <img class="img-responsive" src="{{ item.thumb }}" title="{{ item.title }}" alt="{{ item.alt }}"/>
          {% endfor %}

    This code was after this code block:

    <div class="view-hero-slider-pagination swiper-pagination "></div>

    Marking as working as expected.

  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed 11 months ago
Production build 0.71.5 2024