- Issue created by @jordik
- Status changed to Fixed
10 months ago 10:53pm 19 March 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
The widget is not shown in views (needed template).
If the widget is used in views and the view is using AJAX for sorting, pagination or filtering, the widget and the formatter are shown only on the first page after load. If the view is sorted, the widget/formatter are lost - the bootstrap_toggle librrary is not reattached to the form and only a checkbox is shown.
1. Create a view with table style plugin based on an entity, which has checkbox field using bootstrap toggle as a for widget.
2. Enable AJAX for the view.
3. Add some fields and the checkbox to the view
4. Ensure the checkbox field is showing the bootstrap toggle widget
5. Sort the view by clicking the column header or use the pager
6. The widget is gone and only a checkbox is shown
Reattach the library to the form using Drupal.behaviors and a custom JavaScript
Provide a patch
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.