- Issue created by @RichardDavies
Field States UI rules don't always work correctly when they're based on fields that also have restricted permissions via the Field Permissions module. If a user doesn't have permissions to edit a field, that field can't reliably be used as a target field in a Field States UI rule.
I have a node type with a Boolean field that only a user with an admin profile can set (Field Permissions module's behavior) and a text field that can be shown in edit form only if the boolean field is true (Field States UI behavior).
When I am logged in as admin, all work great: if I check the boolean field, text field shows up and then hides when I uncheck the boolean field.
Now as administrator I uncheck the boolean field and save the node.
Then as another user having another role (who still has edit rights on my test node of course) I edit the node. I don't have access to the boolean field with this role, but the boolean was previously set to false when I saved it as admin. Regardless, now the text field incorrectly is visible for this user despite Field States UI rule that should make it hidden when Boolean is unchecked.