How to map or create xml:lang attribute in the OWL file ot pathbuilders fields?

Created on 5 March 2024, 4 months ago

For example:

  <owl:Class rdf:about="E3_Condition_State">
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">E3 Condition State</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="de">E3 Zustandsphase</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="el">E3 Κατάσταση</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="fr">E3 État matériel</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="pt">E3 Estado Material</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="ru">E3 Состояние</rdfs:label>
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="zh">E3 条件状态</rdfs:label>

Can we map them into entity translation of Drupal? Or how to create multi-language rdfs:label in the patchbuilder?

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semantic web

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🇨🇳China fishfree

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  • Issue created by @fishfree
  • 🇩🇪Germany Knurg

    You don't do that. The pathbuilder does not use the labels currently and does not care about languages. And language of the T-Box does not affect the language of the A-Box. You can create entities as a user with multiple languages and they are handled by language-flags on the strings automatically like:

    E21_Person_Knurg is_identified_by E41_Appellation_Person_name_of_Knurg has_string_representation "Knurg"@en :)

    You just have to enable the desired languages in drupal and switch on entity translation for the WissKI entities.


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