Hello, I have a leaflet map rendering just fine with feature points and markers but I'm wondering if anyone can help convert this to a markercluster map. The map is generated on a form page. Thanks. Here's my hook_leaflet_map_info:
function nsc_leaflet_map_info() {
return [
'nsc_map' => [
'label' => 'Dev NSC',
'description' => t('This is the NSC map style.'),
'settings' => [
'dragging' => TRUE,
'touchZoom' => TRUE,
'scrollWheelZoom' => TRUE,
'doubleClickZoom' => TRUE,
'zoomControl' => TRUE,
'zoomControlPosition' => 'topleft',
'attributionControl' => TRUE,
'trackResize' => TRUE,
'fadeAnimation' => TRUE,
'zoomAnimation' => TRUE,
'closePopupOnClick' => TRUE,
'minZoom' => 1,
'maxZoom' => 18,
'zoom' => 2,
'layerControl' => TRUE,
'layerControlOptions' => [
'position' => 'topright',
'leaflet_markercluster' => [
'options' => [
'maxClusterRadius' => 50,
'disableClusteringAtZoom' => 2,
'spiderfyOnMaxZoom' => TRUE,
'showCoverageOnHover' => TRUE,
'removeOutsideVisibleBounds' => FALSE,
'singleMarkerMode' => TRUE
'layers' => [
'layer' => [
'type' => 'sat',
'ext' => 'jpg',
'urlTemplate' => '//server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}',
'options' => [
'attribution' => 'Map tiles © Esri',
'noWrap' => FALSE,
'plugins' => [],
Currently my map points are generated by added to a points array like so:
$points[] = array(
'type' => 'point',
'lat' => $lat,
'lon' => $lng,
'popup' => [
"content" => '',
"control" => '1',
"options" => '{"maxWidth":"300","minWidth":"50","autoPan":true}',
"value" => '<p>'.$n->getTitle().'</p>',
'leaflet_id' => 'point-' . $n->id(). '-' . $lat,
And I'm pushing the map out to a form element like this:
$form['map'] = \Drupal::service('leaflet.service')->leafletRenderMap($map_info, $map_points, '480px');