- Issue created by @fishfree
- 🇩🇪Germany Knurg
I am unsure if virtuoso really works as WissKI does queries with e.g.
the * operator. The typical systems we had used in the past are rdf4j,
graphdb, blazegraph and stardog. Jena FUSEKI was not working well in
the past because it did not do cross-graph-reasoning which is needed
if you have a rather complex ontology tree in the backend.We will have to join forces on this as we don't have virtuoso up and
running and you have it.You have to select the adapter according to your needs. If you want to
do OWL you need the regular SPARQL 1.1 Adapter - that is what we
typically do. The RDF-Adapter is just in case you don't want to do OWL
and just want to do RDF, but it is optimized for the rdf version of
cidoc crm and might not fit your specific needs.Default Graph etc. are prefilled by default with useful values that
should work right away. It won't trouble you in the beginning :)There is a running docker container with an example wisski with
example data at
https://wiss-ki.eu/documentation/installation/docker/wisski-exampleCheers :)