Error Messages and Rendering Issues in Main Navigation Editing with Advanced Aggregation Module

Created on 20 February 2024, 12 months ago
Updated 10 April 2024, 10 months ago


I encountered a problem while editing the main navigation links on my Drupal site, which is utilizing the Advanced Aggregation module for performance optimization. When I disabled the advanced aggregation, its working fine as expected. Here are the details of the issue:

Steps to reproduce

  1. Initially, the main navigation links were editable without any issues.
  2. After some time, error messages started appearing when attempting to edit main navigation links.
  3. Reloading the page or navigating to another page temporarily resolved the errors, but they reappeared when editing main navigation links again.
  4. Flushing the caches resolved the error messages temporarily.
  5. However, the errors resurfaced when browsing other pages on the site.
  6. Subsequent attempts to edit main navigation links resulted in new error messages.
🐛 Bug report






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  • Issue created by @Ponnarasi Marimuthu
  • Hi,

    A gentle reminder about the issue I reported regarding the Advanced aggregation module. It's been a month since I initially reached out, and unfortunately, there hasn't been any response yet.

    Currently we have disabled this module in our site. Are there any alternate module for the aggregation? we have enabled the core aggregation, but still in terms of performance it would be great if we have the solution for this fix or any alternate module.

    Thanks in advance.

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