- Issue created by @jonathan1055
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathan1055
Just realised that this was not the project that Wim Leers referred to about the spelling problems. It was https://www.drupal.org/project/cdn →
But I will leave this issue open for now, in case we need to test anything here too.
Sorry for the noise. - Merge request !6Draft: [ignore] #3422594: Test gitlab_templates MR → (Closed) created by jonathan1055
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathan1055
Renamed this issue so that the MR can be kept and re-used for different tests.
The cspell job in the latest scheduled pipeline fails with one unknown word in composer.json.
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/decoupled_pages/-/pipelines/121257But using MR155 from #3426136: Execute CSPELL in project root folder and make fixing words easier → the text Cspell jobs is green
https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/decoupled_pages-3422594/-/pipelines/121458 - 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathan1055
Re-using MR6 to test Gitlab Templates MR921 on 🐛 Service not known with OPT_IN_TEST_NEXT_MINOR Active
- Merge request !8Draft: Testing MR257 #3475581 Update to new driver when D11 "current" uses Nightwatch 3 → (Open) created by jonathan1055
- Merge request !9Draft: #3488104 MR292 Test-only changes should ignore nightwatch tests → (Open) created by jonathan1055