Machine name conflicts after theme change are confusing

Created on 14 February 2024, 5 months ago


Currently if you have a series of overrides in place and then swap themes those overrides are "lost" since they are only active for a specific theme. This makes sense. It may not be immediately intuitive but its easy enough to grasp. However, if you want to recreate those overrides you can't use the same machine name as it will conflict. This is, again, pretty easy to grasp if you were the one to make the changes and setup the original overrides. However, if you work as part of a larger team or inherit a site making extensive use of overrides and the theme gets switched before seeing those overrides it is easy to run into a situation where attempting to create any overrides runs into naming conflicts you had no idea about. Worse, in my opinion, there is no way to see all the existing overrides without using configuration export.

Steps to reproduce

1. Create an override in Olivero theme (or choice of default) and give it machine name "my_example_override".
2. Change themes from Olivero theme (or choice of default) and attempt to create another override with the machine name "my_example_override".

Proposed resolution

I'd propose two solutions to this.
1. Automatically append the theme name to the machine name of the override. This has the benefit of removing separate theme conflicts in addition to making it immediately obvious when viewing configuration yaml files which configuration is for which theme.
2. Create an interface that allows administrators to see all overrides in the system, much like custom libraries can currently be viewed. Bonus points if the overrides can be edited/deleted from that interface.

✨ Feature request






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States drakythe

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