How to install? Latest version doesnt have core?

Created on 13 February 2024, 11 months ago
Updated 14 February 2024, 11 months ago


Trying to follow this: to install a new drupal 7 panopoly distribution.

The first option "Option 1: Install the latest tarball" is not applicable because the latest panopoly version doesn't include Drupal 7 core ( ).

The second option gives errors and is a bit vague:

mkdir newsite
cd newsite
composer require drush/drush:^8.0
vendor/bin/drush dl panopoly --select

I chose "1" and got a folder "panopoly-7.x-1.94" which is without Drupal 7 core.

Can anyone clarify the next step: "Next do the drush make step above." (source: )?

That should be "drush make --no-core drupal-org.make". However that just creates "modules" and "sites" folder inside the "panopoly-7.x-1.94" folder. There is no profiles folder.

I've tried different make files and moving things around, but have encountered numerous errors.

What is the correct way to install a Drupal 7 Panopoly distribution? (or get the files?)

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🇪🇪Estonia hanneshh

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  • Issue created by @hanneshh
  • 🇪🇪Estonia hanneshh

    This is how I managed to get Panopoly's files so I could update the db, this should also work for installation:

    mkdir newsite
    cd newsite
    composer require drush/drush:^8.0
    vendor/bin/drush dl panopoly // I chose "1"
    vendor/bin/drush make ./profiles/panopoly/drupal-org-core.make
    vendor/bin/drush make --no-core ./profiles/panopoly/drupal-org.make
    mv ./sites/all/modules/contrib ./profiles/panopoly/modules/ 
    // If you want to install, then now install the site either by /install.php or using the command
    // If you want to update, then just replace the /sites/default/settings.php
    vendor/bin/drush cc
    vendor/bin/drush updb
    vendor/bin/drush updb // Twice!
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