Getting Runtime Error related to http vs https

Created on 12 February 2024, about 1 year ago
Updated 1 March 2024, about 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

After being authenticated on the IDP side I am redirected back to my site but not logged in. The error in the logs is
RuntimeException encountered during processing SAML authentication response: Error(s) encountered during processing of authentication response. Type(s): invalid_response; reason given for last error: The response was received at instead of in Drupal\samlauth\SamlService->processLoginResponse() (line 449 of /var/application/docroot/modules/contrib/samlauth/src/SamlService.php).

I have tried setting "Use Drupal base URL in toolkit library" and "Use 'X-Forwarded-*' headers (deprecated)" without success.
We do use load balancing/reverse proxy in our setup.
The Service Provider URLs all start with https://
Metadata URL:
Assertion Consumer Service:
Single Logout Service:

I have also tried setting the various *_header variables in settings.php under the reverse_proxy = "TRUE" section without success.

Any help would be appreciated.

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States stevenpatz Alexandria VA

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  • Issue created by @stevenpatz
  • πŸ‡³πŸ‡±Netherlands roderik Amsterdam,NL / Budapest,HU

    I can only give you a next step for debugging. Because it feels like those various *_header variables in settings.php are not matching whatever headers are being forwarded from your load balancer / reverse proxy.

    To doublecheck:

    • Check "Use Drupal base URL in toolkit library" and uncheck "Use 'X-Forwarded-*' headers (deprecated)", for future/forward compatibility.
    • In SamlService::getSamlAuth(), under the
      $base_url = $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $request->getBaseUrl() . '/saml';

      , log your $base_url somehow. (Note this will likely be 'spamming' the logs.)

    If that reports http and not https... then something's wrong with your config vs the reverse proxy headers. That $request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() is a call into Symfony code, which gets the settings.php *_header settings inserted to determine isSecure(). And if I understand correctly, you always want this to be "https".

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States stevenpatz Alexandria VA

    I did this: Check "Use Drupal base URL in toolkit library" and uncheck "Use 'X-Forwarded-*' headers (deprecated)", for future/forward compatibility.

    and then I added a logger to capture $base_url. i then tried to login. Checked the logs and I got three entries for my additional logger and they were all:
    So it seems that base_url IS getting the https url

    Is there something else I can try next?

  • πŸ‡³πŸ‡±Netherlands roderik Amsterdam,NL / Budapest,HU

    OK. That means your setup is configured correctly. It also means that I cannot (from just reading code) see what is going on:

    • The error is in vendor/onelogin/php-saml/src/Saml2/Response.php, line 285-289 (unless you have a library version I don't know)
    • suggesting $currentURL = Utils::getSelfRoutedURLNoQuery() is "http".
    • In Response::__construct(),
      • Your $base_url should be injected (through Settings), so
      • $this->_settings->getBaseURL() should return that value
      • and Utils::setBaseURL($baseURL) should be called with that value
    • and if I'm reading the code right, Utils::getSelfRoutedURLNoQuery() should return that value, i.e. your $base_url, i.e. "https"

    I don't see where the inconsistency is. That's all I can give you as hints for debugging. (I don't remember this issue being reported earlier.)

  • πŸ‡³πŸ‡±Netherlands roderik Amsterdam,NL / Budapest,HU

    If you feel compelled to hack Response.php to work around throwing that ValidationError: (it generally shouldn't be necessary but) in this specific case, that wouldn't introduce any security holes.

    (Also I see that the error is not thrown if you turn off the "strict" option, but I can't say that's a good idea.)

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States stevenpatz Alexandria VA

    This can be closed. Thanks for all the tips and help.

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