- Issue created by @JonMcL
We recently had a very large (huge?) migration from an Oracle database into a Drupal application. I am talking about individual migrations that ran for over 10 hours. Total was around 36 hours.
We found the current progress bar a little lacking and ended up implementing something like this:
migration_name : 6942/9917 [===================>--------] 70%, 131.2/sec, 00:01:39/00:00:42, 58.0 MiB
Would others find this a useful improvement? If so, I can work towards putting together a patch for migrate_tools. Our solution was to extend Drupal\migrate_tools\EventSubscriber\MigrationDrushCommandProgress with out own ::initializeProgress method.
The items per second is averaged over up to 300 measurements. That is elapsed time followed by estimated time remaining. The MiB is memory used.
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