Compatibility with Storybook module

Created on 9 February 2024, 11 months ago
Updated 20 May 2024, 7 months ago


I've spent some time trying to get these examples to work with the new Storybook module. I think it's a good time to open an issue so I can contribute some code.

The main difference is the approach. I think the following changes are needed:

  1. Eliminate all .stories.yml files
  2. Create .stories.twig files
  3. Update documentation to provide guidance to users on how to generate new .stories.json files from the .stories.twig files.
  4. It might also be good to add back the initial .stories.json files that we eliminated in the past

Steps to reproduce

1. Create a fresh site using 's guidance and include the sdc_examples module
2. The examples won't work.

Proposed resolution

Tighter integration with

Remaining tasks

(see above list)

✨ Feature request






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cosmicdreams Minneapolis/St. Paul

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  • Issue created by @cosmicdreams
  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    I like this idea!

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cosmicdreams Minneapolis/St. Paul

    I've been going through this process but I'm not sure how to do the embed / include that embeds another component

    Like how my-banner--tall, with Card story does.

    I'm also, kind of stalled out considering what methods should actually be used during a story. I could embed the card like the template does but I think that might be cheating. Don't we want to include the component's template and tell the my-banner--tall component to include the card.

    In the yml file the story looks like this:

      - name: 4. With Card
          heading: Join us at The Conference
          ctaText: Register
          image: ''
          banner_body: |
            {% embed 'sdc_examples:my-card' with { header: 'Protect what you love' } %}
              {% block card_body %}
                <p>Green technology is kind to the environment. Let's build a humanity that thrives while being kind to the planet.</p>
                {% include 'sdc_examples:my-button' with { text: 'Like', iconType: 'like' } %}
              {% endblock %}
            {% endembed %}

    So the banner_body doesn't quote the embed syntax, So... not sure what to do.

    Any suggestions?

    If it helps here's my my-banner--tall.stories.twig so far:

    {% stories my_banner with { title: 'SDC Examples/My Banner' } %}
        {% story default with {
            name: '1. Default',
        } %}
            <div class="container">
                {{ include('sdc_examples:my-banner', {heading: 'Join us at the Conference', image: '', ctaText: 'Register', ctaHref: ''}) }}
        {% endstory %}
        {% story no_image with {
            name: '2. No Image',
        } %}
            <div class="container">
                {{ include('sdc_examples:my-banner', {heading: 'Are you sure you want to end the session?', image: '', ctaText: 'Log out', ctaHref: ''}) }}
        {% endstory %}
        {% story with_body with {
            name: '3. With Body',
        } %}
            <div class="container">
                {{ include('sdc_examples:my-banner', {heading: 'Improve perceived performance', image: '', ctaText: 'Learn More', ctaHref: '', banner_body: "<h4>Benefits of our technology</h4>
              <li>Faster first contentful paint.</li>
              <li>Distributed content delivery networks.</li>
              <li>High availability and redundancy.</li>
            </ul>"}) }}
        {% endstory %}
    {% endstories %}
  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    Embedding nested components is done the same way you would do it in a regular twig template. Perhaps this example can help:

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cosmicdreams Minneapolis/St. Paul

    Yes it does. Thank you. I should have scanned the rest of the components in the module. I did find heading and image but didn't think of looking for anything that didn't start with my

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cosmicdreams Minneapolis/St. Paul

    In your example, I notice that you're using the new components you've added like heading and image. Should I also be doing that (instead of what the previous story did which was use scalar values for each)?

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