Use delta-based multiple value storage instead of comma-separated single items

Created on 9 February 2024, about 1 year ago
Updated 26 February 2024, about 1 year ago


Multiple values are being stored as a single field item with the selected values comma-separated as a single string value. This is a problem when working with Drupal entities/fields in entity queries etc. and also does not support field values with commas (which is technically possible, as a CiviCRM data processor is being used to retrieve allowed field values, which can be anything).

Proposed resolution

Multiple values should be stored as delta-based separate items for multi-value fields.

Remaining tasks

  • Adjust behavior (do not implode()/explode() values when storing/retrieving)
  • Convert already stored values with an upgrade task

User interface changes

Multiple values will be displayed as such, instead of a single item with a comma between the actual values.

API changes

Functionality relying upon the current behavior (exports, etc.) might have to be adjusted. @jaapjansma, @kainuk

Data model changes

Technically none, just using it correctly.

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇩🇪Germany jensschuppe

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