I have a profile, which uses a field (in my case "family members") which uses the storage engine https://www.drupal.org/project/storage → to allow entities with multiple fields (which can be required inside that entity).
There are two problems. First I cannot save the profile even though the field_family_members is not required, but the fields inside the storage entity are. Secondly even if I fill the fields with dummy data I get error messages that "This entity (storage: Test) cannot be referenced." which is were I am at right now. I have no idea which problem it is, but I suppose, that because the profile works with temporary objects to allow editing, the references entity cannot reference the object becaue no IDs are present.
Regardless which fault it is, I cannot save the profile via Drupals UI. It just is not possible. My last try will be to remove every require there is. But this makes input validation useless.
Closed: duplicate