- Issue created by @manthan.chauhan
- Status changed to Needs review
12 months ago 8:35am 6 February 2024
I am encountering an issue with an AJAX-enabled view block that features a taxonomy filter. The filter includes the following options:
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Upon page load, all filter options are visible. However, when I select any option, it causes the other options to disappear. For instance, if I select "Item 1," only the "All" and "Item 1" filters are displayed, hiding the other options.
To provide context, I have enabled the "Show only used items" option and disabled the "Filter items based on the filtered result set by other applied filters" option.
Upon investigating a previous issue, I found that the following code was removed:
else {
if (!empty($settings['options_show_only_used_filtered'])) {
$user_input = $form_state->getUserInput();
if (isset($user_input[$identifier])) {
else {
$user_input = [];
To address this issue, I have submitted a new patch, removing the mentioned if condition, as it was identified as the cause of the problem described in issue 3132480:
else {
if (empty($settings['options_show_only_used_filtered'])) {
$user_input = [];
I have not been able to test this code against the problem outlined in issue 3132480 as I am unable to replicate the reported issue. The details of the patch and related code changes can be found in the issue link: https://www.drupal.org/project/selective_better_exposed_filters/issues/3... 🐛 Filter terms based on "options_show_only_used_filtered" set not working as expected Fixed
Needs review