Wrong shipping type is chosen

Created on 29 January 2024, about 1 year ago

If I set up two types of package types, for example Package up to 5 kg and Package 5-15 kg, set their conditions based on weight, choose the Packeta plugin, and want to use it in reality, it always selects only one type with an error: The type Package up to 5 kg is not allowed. The error occurs at the last step of Checkout.

Of course allowed are both. It looks like Packeta module just count with one type.

🐛 Bug report






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  • Issue created by @marekdvorak
  • Okay, now I've come to even worse results as an unregistered user, when I tried it as a Guest. I am sending screenshots.

    I can tell you which website it is, everything is in test mode, you can try it yourself.

  • Now I found out that just do a refresh with F5 and the address field disappears and the selection for the pickup point appears instead, so anyway there is a bug in the code somewhere.

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