- Issue created by @gilmord
Here are some ideas on how we can implement this module.
- Any routed entity - nodes, taxonomy, users, eck entities, custom entities etc. We can get the list of the all entities with routes and it`s bundles and allow user to decide which entity type and bundle to index for the inspection. Each content type/bundle should have own settings for the cron - how often to refresh data, set how old the content should be to be tracked (TO exclude old content form tracking).
- Views - we should allow to track view with the page displays, also owe should consider views with the contextual filters (arguments).
- Custom URLs - this option is to handle the page created in the other way then entity or views, like custom routes, page created with a page manager (or any similar module) until it has own implementation. We should consider some routes may have arguments.
We should generate url_inspection entity for all the pages that should be tracked. It will allow to seee how many pages are there to be tracked and how many are already tracked by cron. This option should be done on batch on the next actions:
- user configured the Routed entities form and selected which entity types/budles to track
Once we generate the initial set of url_inspection entities we should update the list when:
- new contention of tracked type/bundle is inserted
- new view is enabled for tracking
- new custom route is added for tracking
- user visits a tracked view with contextual filters
- user visits tracked custom URL with route arguments
- tracked entity deleted
- tracked view deleted/disabled
- tracked custom URL is untracked
!!! we should think if we just delete the existing tracking entity or gust set it`s status to inactive !!!
for the dashboard suggest to use a view, with a bulk operations to:
- delete tracking entity
- unpublish/publish tracking entity (unpublished tracking data kept in the database but not updated by cron?)
- force update of tracking entity