Embed Url is required

Created on 23 January 2024, 5 months ago
Updated 7 February 2024, 5 months ago


Attempting to display a PowerBi report in Drupal and receiving a Javascript error message

Steps to reproduce

Setup the PowerBi integration with the plugin.
Configure a Media content item with the workspace ID and report ID.
Embed the Media object in a Page.
Display the page and the following error appears in the console:

Uncaught Error: Embed Url is required, but it was not found. You must provide an embed url either as part of embed configuration or as attribute 'powerbi-embed-url'.
at t.getEmbedUrl (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:141533)
at t.populateConfig (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:139373)
at e.t (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:135050)
at new e (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:162382)
at t.createEmbedComponent (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:187437)
at t.embedNew (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:187209)
at t.embedInternal (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:186486)
at t.embed (powerbi.min.js?v=1.x:5:186042)
at powerbi_launcher.js?s8gjyd:26:40
at Array.forEach ()

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