- Issue created by @portulaca
- Merge request !5Correct order is comma whitespace between State, and City → (Open) created by portulaca
The formatter for "Country, State, City" has a bug that makes the comma appear after a whitespace instead of before it, like this:
United States, Ohio ,Akron
Correct output should be:
United States, Ohio, Akron
It could be helped with:
<div class="country-state-country" translate="no">
{% if country %}
{{ country }},
{% endif %}
{% if state %}
{{ state }}
{%- endif -%}
{% if city -%}
, {{ city }}
{% endif %}
in country-state-city.html.twig
I'll see if I can do a MR on GitLab.
BTW why add the HTML comment in the template? That ends up in the final HTML output.