Set branding for site sections

Created on 19 January 2024, 5 months ago

User Story

As a Site Owner I want to define a separate sub-brand on my CivicTheme site So that I can configure areas of a site to look visually different


What we need is the ability to change the colours (maybe fonts) for a section – to match the look and feel of a targeted recruitment campaign’s brand. The section would follow the same structure of the site and use the same components, just have different colour and heading styles.

To cater for this, I would envisage the following elements to need customisation as a sub-brand:

  1. Default palette - Primary, Secondary, accent colours

  2. Default typography - headings, body text

  3. Banner background colours

  4. Menu colours

  5. Footer colours

  6. Content component colours

✨ Feature request






Created by

🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

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