Add News content type

Created on 19 January 2024, 5 months ago

User Story

As a content creator
I want a content type specific to news
So I can keep citizens informed of the latest news

Acceptance Criteria

AC 1 - News content type
Given I’m an authenticated user
When I create new content in my CivicTheme site
Then I can select the content type News article

AC 2 - Date
Given I’m an authenticated user
When I create a news node
Then I can manually set the Date that appears on the front end

AC 3 - News fields
Given I’m an authenticated user
When I create a news node
Then the following fields are available on the back end

Solution Direction

1. Create a News (`civic_news`) Content type and add fields as per fields map below (cardinality=1 is assumed unless stated otherwise; * denotes required field; create paragraphs where required):

a. Title* (`title` ) - Text (plain), cardinality: 1, widget - Text field
b. Summary - widget - Text field
c. Metadata
d. Show TOC - widget - Checkbox
e. Body* (`field_n_body`) - Text (formatted, long), cardinality: 1, widget - WYSIWYG
f. Thumbnail (`field_n_thumbnail`) - Entity reference referencing `Image (Media type)`, cardinality: 1, widget - Media library
g. Featured image (`field_n_image`) - Entity reference referencing `Image (Media type)`, cardinality: 1, widget - Media library

2. Add Behat tests for field existence including paragraphs.
3. Add default content.

✨ Feature request






Created by

🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

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