Created on 19 January 2024, about 1 year ago
Updated 26 March 2024, 12 months ago

User Story

As a CivicTheme developer
I want the Drupal codebase to use strict types
So that the Drupal theme code was more stable and less error p

Acceptance Criteria

AC1 - Force new code to be executed with strict types
GIVEN Iā€™m a CivicTheme developer
WHEN I author CivicTheme Drupal theme code
THEN all code is executed using strict types
AND the CI pipeline has the check to assert that the strict types are in use

AC2 - Update existing code to be executed with strict types
GIVEN Iā€™m a CivicTheme developer
WHEN I run the existing codebase through a CI pipeline
THEN the CI pipeline check to assert that the strict types are in use passes

Solution Direction

  1. Add declare(strict_types=1); to each of the existing files.
  2. Identify and update all code not complying with the strict types.
  3. Add PHPCS and PHPStan rules to enforce the use of the declare(strict_types=1); in files.
šŸ“Œ Task






Created by

šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗAustralia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

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