- Issue created by @freelock
Hi, I was implementing a single directory component, and wanted to pass in a color value selected in a color field. When I added the color field/entity to the path in a token, I got a fatal whitescreen error, "Expected string, got an array".
Token module's automatic expansion of fields is not getting the field value off the color entity, because it's a config entity and Token can only handle content entities.
Here's what I did:
1. Created a custom Single Directory Component, with a "color" string property.
2. Using sdc_display module with the work done here:
Implement Token Replacements
Needs work
, I associated my SDC with a display mode of an entity that had a color field.
3. In the Fixed Values section, I set the color field to [node:field_named_color:entity:color]
This resulted in a whitescreen error.
I'm not sure how best to implement this, but I used hook_tokens_alter to make it work, with this code:
* Implements hook_tokens_alter().
function my_module_tokens_alter(array &$replacements, array $context, \Drupal\Core\Render\BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata) {
if (!empty($context['tokens']['entity:color'])) {
foreach ($replacements as $key => $value) {
if (!is_string($value) && is_a($value, '\Drupal\colorapi\Entity\Color')) {
$replacements[$key] = $value->color;
This code is working for my usage, with a color field named `field_named_color` and the token shown in step 3.
Implement an appropriate hook_tokens value to output the hex value of the color entity, and hook_token_info to make it appear in the token browser.
Adds support for tokens.