Insufficient memory for files above 15kb

Created on 7 January 2024, 6 months ago
Updated 19 January 2024, 5 months ago

Formatted long text fields do not display in the downloaded word document.

I have two long text fields in my view, but only the one with restricted HTML is displaying. I've tried stripping HTML from the other one, but that does not seem to work, either. I've also tried converting the formatted field to raw output, just to see if there would be a difference, with no change. The two fields are otherwise identical and part of the same content node.

(Possibly related to the <a href="">format parsing issue?</a>)

Edit: renamed to reflect probable cause

πŸ› Bug report






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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @tonka67
  • After some more digging around, it seems that the issue has to do with views relationships, which causes both permission and display issues in production. Neither of the fields in question had relationship links attached to them, but other fields did. Removing all the relationships restored the field display for both.

  • Continuing to dig around and experiment. I now believe the problem to be something to do with file and/or processing size - if I set no relationships or filters, I can set about 30 long text items in the doc. Anything more gives me a memory warning when I try to open the doc file:

    Word experienced an error trying to open the file. Try these suggestions. 
    * Check the file permissions for the document or drive
    * Make sure there is sufficient free memory and disk space
    * Open the file with the Text Recovery converter

    If I include more relationships and filters, I have to reduce the allowable items to 10.

    Question - is this limitation coming from the module or from my server settings? I need to be able to download considerably larger docs. Right now, I seem to be limited to around 15-16kb doc, 2 pages and/or a few hundred words.

Production build 0.69.0 2024