Duplicate configuration errors when enabling social core

Created on 26 December 2023, 6 months ago
Updated 9 January 2024, 6 months ago


I cant enable social core

  Configuration objects (block_content.type.basic, block_content.type.hero_call_to_action_block, block_content.type.platform_intro, core.date_format.day_month, core.date_format.day_month_time, core.date_format.social_long_date, core.date_format.social_m
  edium_date, core.date_format.social_medium_extended_date, core.date_format.social_short_date, core.date_format.social_time, core.entity_form_display.block_content.basic.default, core.entity_form_display.block_content.hero_call_to_action_block.default,
   core.entity_form_display.block_content.platform_intro.default, core.entity_view_display.block_content.basic.default, core.entity_view_display.block_content.hero_call_to_action_block.default, core.entity_view_display.block_content.platform_intro.defau
  lt, core.entity_view_mode.node.activity, core.entity_view_mode.node.activity_comment, core.entity_view_mode.node.hero, core.entity_view_mode.node.small_teaser, crop.type.hero, crop.type.hero_an, crop.type.hero_small, crop.type.profile_large, crop.type
  .profile_medium, crop.type.profile_small, crop.type.teaser, field.field.block_content.basic.field_basic_link, field.field.block_content.basic.field_text_block, field.field.block_content.hero_call_to_action_block.field_call_to_action_link, field.field.
  block_content.hero_call_to_action_block.field_hero_image, field.field.block_content.hero_call_to_action_block.field_text_block, field.field.block_content.platform_intro.field_text_block, field.storage.block_content.field_basic_link, field.storage.bloc
  k_content.field_call_to_action_link, field.storage.block_content.field_hero_image, field.storage.block_content.field_text_block, image.style.crop_thumbnail, image.style.social_an_hero, image.style.social_file_thumbnails, image.style.social_hero_small,
   image.style.social_large, image.style.social_medium, image.style.social_small, image.style.social_tiny, image.style.social_x_large, image.style.social_xx_large, user.role.administrator, user.role.contentmanager, user.role.sitemanager, user.role.verif
  ied) provided by social_core already exist in active configuration

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Postponed: needs info




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🇺🇸United States dianacastillo Miami

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  • Issue created by @dianacastillo
  • 🇺🇸United States dianacastillo Miami

    Ravi that link you just sent me was written last april. since then they have come out with open social 12 which is not mentioned in that article.

  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info 6 months ago
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands Kingdutch

    Please provide the steps you used before you got the error.

    social_core should be enabled as part of the Drupal installation with the Open Social profile. The error you're getting suggests you're manually trying to install it within another Drupal project, which is not supported.

  • 🇺🇸United States dianacastillo Miami

    hi, please give me the steps to install open social as part of the drupal 10 installation, the instructions are not clear.

  • 🇺🇸United States dianacastillo Miami

    I installed drupal 10 with lando and then ran composer require goalgorilla/open_social:~12.0.0 but got these errors :

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
    Problem 1
    - goalgorilla/open_social[12.0.0, ..., 12.0.2] require drupal/advancedqueue 1.0.0-rc7 -> found drupal/advancedqueue[1.0.0-rc7] but it does not match your minimum-stability.
    - Root composer.json requires goalgorilla/open_social ~12.0.0 -> satisfiable by goalgorilla/open_social[12.0.0, 12.0.1, 12.0.2].
    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands Kingdutch

    Hi Diana,

    Could you share the composer.json file?

    composer create-project goalgorilla/social_template:dev-master DIRECTORY --no-interaction should already create a directory which includes Open Social 12 and Drupal 10, so I'm not sure composer require goalgorilla/open_social:~12.0.0 is needed. However the duplicate configuration wouldn't show up until you actually run drush rather than Composer so it sounds like we're maybe missing some context to help you.

    I'm not familiar with Lando so I can't provide support for that tool (we use Docker Desktop for development and Platform.sh for hosting).

    For the minimum stability I'm going to quote my answer from Slack. The minimum stability should be correct for the folder which you created from the template (that should be done on an empty directory), it might not be correct if you start out with a different root composer.json file.

    The `minimum-stability` is a flag for the root-composer and is not affected by other projects. So it's not installing Drupal core first, it's how you create the root composer.json file :slightly_smiling_face: See https://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#minimum-stability

    [The Open Social template](https://github.com/goalgorilla/social_template/blob/master/composer.json#L6) currently sets the minimum-stability to `dev` but I think `alpha` should probably work now too though we have in the past required dev versions for compatibility with newer Drupal versions.

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