- Issue created by @mlncn
It is great to use Drupal core's feature to lock down a particular rich text field to a single format— no confusion for content editors, simpler for themers to know what's coming out, overall more consistency.
But if you change the field, even though you know the formats are still consistent, you deny access to it to regular users.
So there is a need to update past text formats on caption fields, post it fields, so that editors can change past captions.
We have improved and locked down the formats allowed in different contexts. Unfortunately people who try to edit images that had an old caption, they get a message that they do not have permission to edit the text format for the caption.
All-powered users can see and change this, but unfortunately there is no obvious way to give this (harmless!) power to non super-admins.
We would like help to make deploy hooks to retroactively change formats to the only required ones.