Created on 19 December 2023, about 1 year ago

I see that you had released Droopler 4.0.0-alpha1. What is its relation to 3.2.0-rc1/3.3.0-rc1? So far seemed like version to go for D10...

I understand roadmaps can change, so I am not asking for any commitment, just for maybe some vision if you have anything solid that you can share...

In case of building new site, it would be great to know if it makes more sense to wait for next 4.0 release go with 3.3 version. Especially as according to my understanding, there is no upgrade path between them.

Happy for anything you can share and thank you for great work you do with Droopler!


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πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡°Slovakia matus grinvalsky

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  • Issue created by @matus grinvalsky
  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed 12 months ago
  • πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±Poland sygnetica

    Hi Matus.

    We've updated the roadmap with the info about the latest releases: Roadmap β†’

    You will find there information about backward compatibility as well.

    Currently, we are testing and improving the Droopler 4.x to release the stable version as soon as possible.

  • πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡°Slovakia matus grinvalsky

    Thank you! Now it make sense to me...

    I am happy to test 4.x once stable release is available.


  • Status changed to Needs review 3 months ago
  • πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada leducdubleuet Chicoutimi QC

    Nothing happened since last march and since we cannot migrate from 3.x to 4.x, I wonder what should I do with my sites on Droopler 3.3.0-rc3.

    The latest version recommended by the project’s maintainers is still 3.1.0 dating back to 2022 and running on the now unsupported Drupal 9.x...

    Will there be future releases for the 3.x branch? Will it be ported to Drupal 11?

    Or should we consider Droopler as unsupported and move away from this distribution now?

    Don't get me wrong, I really loved Droopler but now I feel a little like I am being let down.

    Thank you.

  • πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±Poland pingwin_cracow

    It has been known for several months that the new version of Droopler will not have backward compatibility with Droopler 3* versions.
    For several days now I have been testing Droopler-project (v4) on Drupal 10.4.0-beta1. Test on ddev and on the server. Droopler-project shows some errors when installing ddev and then after transferring the installation to the server. Several appeared during the test construction of pages on the server and did not occur in ddev.
    I have a question, can I add a few comments here about your great work?
    I am eagerly awaiting the stable version because it stops all updates and work on my websites.
    Despite the changes, the new version of droopler has not disappointed me. It gives greater possibilities for development and configuration of the site and in my opinion it is worth spending time to set up the site from scratch on the new version with a new, better concept. Taking into account the Droopler roadmap, version 4 will be fully compatible and developmental to D11 without the need for complicated updates like in previous versions.
    Congratulations Droptica Team!

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