Opigno_lms 3.1.0 composer installation error

Created on 29 November 2023, 7 months ago

Error While Installing Opigno Lms via Composer

Installation steps followed

  • Step 1:Run the following command to create the Opigno project: 'composer create-project opigno/opigno-composer:^3.1 .'
  • Step 2: After completing Step 1, execute the following command to require Opigno LMS: 'composer require opigno/opigno_lms.'
  • Step 3: Finally, install the dependencies by running: 'composer install'
  • Step 4: Changed directory to web/sites/default/: 'cd web/sites/default/'
  • Step 5: Copy default.settings.php to settings.php: 'cp default.settings.php settings.php'
  • Step 6: Ensured settings.php is writable: 'chmod 777 -R settings.php'
  • Step 7: Created the 'files' directory: 'mkdir files'
  • Step 8: Ensured 'files' directory is writable: 'chmod 777 sites/default/files'
  • Step 8: After completing those steps installed the site and configured the new database.

After the installation, an error was encountered.

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityMalformedException: Saving the configuration entity with ID field.storage.media.field_media_audio_file generated an exception: 'Exception thrown while performing a schema update. SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'media__field_media_audio_file' already exists: CREATE TABLE "media__field_media_audio_file" ( `bundle` VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'The field instance bundle to which this row belongs, used when deleting a field instance', `deleted` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'A boolean indicating whether this data item has been deleted', `entity_id` INT unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'The entity id this data is attached to', `revision_id` INT unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'The entity revision id this data is attached to', `langcode` VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET ascii COLLATE ascii_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'The language code for this data item.', `delta` INT unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'The sequence number for this data item, used for multi-value fields', `field_media_audio_file_target_id` INT unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'The ID of the file entity.', `field_media_audio_file_display` TINYINT unsigned NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'Flag to control whether this file should be displayed when viewing content.', `field_media_audio_file_description` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'A description of the file.', PRIMARY KEY (`entity_id`, `deleted`, `delta`, `langcode`), INDEX `bundle` (`bundle`), INDEX `revision_id` (`revision_id`), INDEX `field_media_audio_file_target_id` (`field_media_audio_file_target_id`) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COMMENT 'Data storage for media field field_media_audio_file.'; Array ( ) ' in Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage->save() (line 259 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/Entity/ConfigEntityStorage.php).Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage->save() (Line: 339)
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityBase->save() (Line: 608)
Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase->save() (Line: 392)
Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller->createConfiguration() (Line: 263)
Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigInstaller->installOptionalConfig() (Line: 84)
Drupal\Core\ProxyClass\Config\ConfigInstaller->installOptionalConfig() (Line: 1657)
install_install_profile() (Line: 700)
install_run_task() (Line: 571)
install_run_tasks() (Line: 119)
install_drupal() (Line: 48)
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Created by

🇮🇳India Mohan141

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