Already subscribed member gets status "pending" when he/she subscribes using double opt-in, but gets no confirmation mail

Created on 21 November 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 20 September 2024, 6 months ago


When a person that is already subscribed, tries to subscribe using a signup form that has the option "Require subscribers to Double Opt-in" enabled, the person receives no confirmation mail, but nevertheless gets the status "pending" in MailChimp.

This means that the person will no longer receive newsletters and is not able to confirm his/her subscription. The person will remain in the pending status unless he/she gets updated with status 'subscribed' via an API call.

Note: this issue was reported before for the D7 version of Mailchimp: #2852475: Already subscribed member gets status "pending" when he/she subscribes using double opt-in, but gets no confirmation mail β†’

Steps to reproduce

  1. Subscribe a new mail address using double opt-in. (Easiest way is to enable the mailchimp_signup module and add a signup form with double opt-in enabled.) The mail address in Mailchimp gets the status 'pending'. This is good.
  2. A confirmation mail gets sent to the mail address. Confirm the subscription. The mail address in Mailchimp now gets the status 'subscribed'. This is also good.
  3. Try to subscribe the same mail address again. The mail address in Mailchimp gets the status 'pending' again. Only this time, no confirmation mail gets sent, so the address remains in the 'pending' state until it gets deleted by Mailchimp sometime later (after 60 days, according to the documentation). This is not good.

Proposed resolution

When subscribing a member using mailchimp_subscribe_process(), check if the member is already subscribed and only if he/she is not subscribed (and double opt-in is required) set the member's status to "pending".

Remaining tasks

  • Review
  • Commit

User interface changes


API changes

The member to subscribe only gets the "pending" status when double opt-in is required AND the member is not subscribed yet.

Data model changes


MR will follow.

πŸ› Bug report






Created by

πŸ‡³πŸ‡±Netherlands megachriz

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